- Principal Investigator for Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) in compliance with ASTM Standard Practice for an extensive list of clients from 1993 to the present.
- Project Manager for a project spanning 2014/2016 regarding the establishment of a new 1,000 GPM groundwater supply well for a confidential industrial client, in Maricopa County, Arizona. This complex project involved ground-water modeling, site selection, well-design, well-permitting, well-installation, managing the off-site discharge of over 5.5 million gallons of wastewater with required AZPDES parameters, well-completion, and subsequent acquisition of New Source Approvals. The well location is immediately adjacent to an active NPL listed Superfund site; which required protection of existing Superfund remedial measures. We also provided technical assistance regarding the design and installation of a well-head to point-of-use pipeline and a related control system for this new source.
- Project Manager from 2004 to the present; for a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP), within the Motorola 52nd Street Superfund Site, groundwater operable unit 3 (OU3) Superfund Site in Phoenix, Arizona. Responsibilities include serving as the PRP’s designated Superfund site coordinator and principal investigator. To date, on behalf of our client we have completed and received USEPA approval on a 3,000+ page Research Report, a Site Investigation Work Plan, a Site Sampling and Analysis Plan (including a Field Sampling Plan and a Quality Assurance Project Plan), a Phase I Remedial Investigation Study & Report, and planning for installation, refurbishment, and abandonment of various groundwater and soil vapor monitoring wells.
- Principal Investigator – Environmental liabilities, risk assessments, and management associated with a 12,000 Acre property acquisition by a confidential client in Maricopa County, Arizona. This complex site involved extensive environmental encumbrances with both surface contamination and subsurface groundwater implications.
- Project Manager for a complex Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and risk analysis completed in 2012. This work involved suspected Chromium contamination on property located southeast of a NPL listed Superfund Site in a confidential location in Maricopa County, Arizona. Based on our work, the client was able to successfully proceed with development plans.
- Project Manager for a multi-phase Environmental Site Assessment of suspected organic chemical and metals contamination on property, located west of the Phoenix Goodyear Airport - North (PGA-N) Superfund Site, in Goodyear, Arizona. This work involved a three part program; a) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, b) Groundwater contamination assessment with a Risk Assessment, and c) Phase II (surface and sub-surface) soil monitoring project with over 1,200 analytical determinations in soils across this complex site.
- Principal Investigator for completion of comprehensive Industrial Hygiene services to numerous industrial clients requiring the assistance of a Certified Industrial Hygienist in the recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational health hazards. We specialize in indoor workplace air quality, ventilation design, and occupational noise exposure projects.
- On-Call Environmental Management services for a confidential; Phoenix, Arizona based company from 2011 to the present; which owns and manages over 100 industrial and/or commercial properties with a total leasable area of greater than 12 million ft2, in Arizona. Our scope of services includes, but is not limited to completion of ASTM compliant Phase I ESA & Phase II ESA Studies, environmental investigation & remediation projects, and implementation of comprehensive environmental compliance services among our client’s industrial and commercial properties.
- Project Manager for a Comprehensive Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for a proposed 45 Million Gallon per Day (MGD) Seawater Desalination Plant to be located on the northern shore of The Sea of Cortez near Puerto Peñasco Sonora, Mexico. The project was funded through a grant provided by the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) to the Municipality of Puerto Peñasco, who was the client for the study.
This three-year multi-disciplinary project involved detailed study and recommendations regarding local and regional environmental impacts and (marine & terrestrial), environmental and human health risk assessments, assessment of economic factors, international financing options, project design (offshore and onshore), water supply and wastewater public works systems, utility rate-making issues, and political matters. All work was completed in both English and Spanish. The USTDA and the Municipality approved the final report in December 2009.
- Project Manager for the initial development of a +46,500 acre residential/resort coastal land parcel located on the Gulf of California in the State of Sonora, MX. Responsibilities included; project management, infrastructure planning and development, land planning guidance, acquisition of regulatory entitlements, governmental affairs, regulatory compliance, site logistical support (operations and site security/management), and stakeholder/community programs.
- Project Manager by special appointment to the State of Sonora, MX to complete routing studies and provide recommendations for a 94 km section of a new Coastal Highway (the Carretera Costera) which in 2006 began construction along the Sea of Cortez from San Luis Rio Colorado to Bahia de Kino. This highway project was built-out by The State of Sonora; before the end of 2009.
Our work involved the portion of the Costera located from Desemboque to Puerto Libertad, Sonora. This is one of the most pristine coastal wilderness areas along the Sea of Cortez. In addition to meeting environmental preservation criteria we considered visual and economic development impacts and the associated planning and routing of electric and natural gas transmission services along this new corridor.
- Principal Investigator regarding the completion of a confidential electric generation and transmission study of Northwest Sonora in 2006 as part of a strategic assignment for the State of Sonora. Work included, among other things, assessment of a proposed a new high voltage transmission connection which, if completed, will cross the U.S. Mexico border north of San Luis Rio Colorado. In that Project Mr. Bouchard worked with Mexican energy interests, US power companies, and representatives of the White House in Washington, DC.
- Principal Investigator to assist Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., in a two-year effort to comply with the integrated resource planning requirements for new power facilities with a 20-year planning horizon as required by the State of Hawaii’s Public Utility Commission. This ground-breaking project was related to facility siting in the context of environmental, cultural, and statewide economic issues.
- Owner’s Technical Representative for the acquisition of a Class II Synthetic Minor Permit for a confidential mining client during
2012 – 2013, relative to a major new Potash Mining operation to be constructed as a Greenfield project on a 100,000 acre site, located within the Holbrook Basin area of Arizona. The Air Quality Permit Application was submitted to ADEQ in February 2013, and approved thereafter.
- Project Manager & Principal Investigator - Comprehensive air quality risk assessment for an internationally known critical care hospital in Scottsdale, AZ; in which there were concerns regarding compliance with requirements of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO); regarding a nearby stationary air pollution source; that handles large quantities of toxic substances. Air modeling dispersion studies and risk assessments were completed and measures implemented to address the issues of interest.
- Project Manager for preparation of an Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility from the Arizona Corporation Commission and a “Title V Air Quality Permit - Major Source” from Pinal County, Arizona for Reliant Energy’s planned 1160 MW Signal Peak Power Generating Station Casa Grande, Arizona.
- Completed extensive routing studies for two 230 kV transmission lines linking the Signal Peak Generating Station and the Browning and Schrader Substations in Pinal and Maricopa Counties. This project was completed in connection with the aforementioned, Reliant Energy; planned 1160 MW Signal Peak Power Generating Station Casa Grande, Arizona.
- Expert Witness/Consultant for various clients appearing before the Arizona Corporation Commission’s Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee; regarding high voltage transmission line siting.
- Project Manager for the successful completion of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hydropower re-licensing of the fully operational Childs & Irving Hydroelectric Power Plants on Fossil Creek, Arizona located on the Coconino and Tonto National Forests. The client subsequently relinquished their hydropower license in concert with non-governmental environmental groups interested in preservation and restoration of Fossil Creek. Thereafter, Mr. Bouchard was retained by the owner to assist with decommissioning and restoration of United States National Forest Lands and Riparian Habitats associated with this unique project located on the Tonto and Coconino National Forests.